These images are from last October. Goin' after natives along our favorite up-stream(s). The only two days we got out on the creeks all year:
Those Tenkara rods really let ya' get into some tight spots
Angling along the main flow here:
We'd settle just for the two mile hike in.
Second day out, drivin' in along the "park and fish" section, we got bottlenecked for a spell behind the stock truck and crew who were out that morning performing their appointed fall stocking. The creek was runnin' pretty low and it occurred to us that it probably wasn't the best of conditions for stocking considering the hatchery pond-raised fish were probably gonna' be bottlenecked as well in the few shallow holes where they were dumping them. Personally, we would require the flow to be a bit crankin' to get those fish moving and dispersed. But what do we know compared to the "experts". Just a random thought while waitin' for the boys to move on and let us pass thru.
That thought apparently didn't go "un-thunk" by a few lurking locals. Drivin' out later, early evening, we came across a vision. Weird lookin' tattooed and pierced buzz cut cone-head reclining across the hood of a parked roadside beater, guzzlin' 16oz. Old Milwaukee pounders and vapin' like a smokestack. An (at least) 3 size too large "hoochi" sausage squeezed into 3 size too small spandex tights. The wording PINK (in pink) scrawled large across the (larger) ass end. She's calf-deep in a roadside hole, net fishing while cross-stocking a lugged along five gallon, orange plastic Home Depot bucket with the catch of fresh stocked (catch and release only) trout.
As the saying goes, when everybody owns it, nobody owns it.
Don't know what they were haulin' in the backseat triple child carriers...
(Internet Image)
... we can only imagine
Oh well - life in FayetteNam
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