Sunday, January 28, 2024

Brief Flings

 Took a one day advantage of the short three day winter last weekend:

All gone by mid-week. Was enough precip and thaw to get creeks a bit up and runnin'. Always like the contrast between the white froth of the creeks and the various shades of brown throughout the woods:

The (seldom mentioned) short run along the final one mile of this Yough feeder stream ain't bad at higher level, just to experience two small drops as it winds through a local park. Is a bit of a narrow flume ride after that. Bit of an amusement ride through two tunnels - the second of which is a several hundred foot stretch of box culvert (under the railroad) before it dumps ya' into the Yough. Was worth a (long ago) one-time experience. The box culvert definitely warrants a pre-inspection, though. 

Disclaimer: Mentioned here for historical purposes only. Could be considered a not very bright thing ta' do. And the box culvert is posted railroad property. 

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