Took a one day advantage of the short three day winter last weekend:

Took a one day advantage of the short three day winter last weekend:
"Have a groovy Sunday!"
- Doyle Tarwater
Sure did! A return to the "Ultima Thule" of SWPA climbing. As we recall, the 2005-2006 ice season was pretty lean to non-existent. Think that all of the climbing and photography was done during the month of February. May be wrong, but ain't goin' back and checkin'.
Highlights the first productive visit to the cliff - Tim Anderson's FFA of 'Final Obligation', partnered with Tom Kopler and Doyle Tarwater. Tim forced to bail on what would have been the FFA of 'The Beast' because of sketchy conditions. FA on TR of 'Son of Beast'. FA on TR of mixed 'Monsta' - one heck of a photographic line. Also remember that the 300ft of Bluewater static line got froze in on that route and couldn't be retrieved until springtime. Dorky dialog as usual - but we could never find a narrator who would work for the cheap rate of a six-pack of PBR's and two hot dogs that we were payin':
Breaking news, as they say - we were just informed that Strongman Matt and Good-man Rob were newly inducted into the prodigious ranks of the Sons of Hercules! Quite impressive!!.