Saturday, November 21, 2015

Casparis Crater

... was watchin' the latest film version of H.G. Wells 'War of the Worlds' on TV recently...

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... this time around the storyline is that the Martians had been sent to earth eons ago and since then had existed in a dormant state underground, eventually emerging en-masse in their giant death beam Tripods with intent to capture the earth and all it's resources - including us!!...

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... sort of like 17 year 'Periodical Cicadas' - but with a lot more carnage (unless ya' have some fun and toss one on a girly girl - or guy - then ya'd think there's not much difference)... by the way... they're due to return next  Spring (2016) - great bait for 'Bass' fishing...

... reminded us of a place we hadn't thought of in "many moons"...

... the "Casparis Crater"... 

... tale is that long ago a 'UFO' crash landed at this location - the force of the impact burying it deep beneath the earth - the overlying ground caved in over it, leaving only this large surface impact crater and pond - the pond is fed from underground and always holds clear, fresh water...

... and where it remains to this day... checked it out recently, hadn't been here in years - looks like someone (or something) has created a foot path into (and out of) the crater since we been here last...??...

... back in the day it was a great excuse to take girls after dark to "check out the UFO crash site"... pretty eerie place during a crisp, late fall evening with full moonlight reflecting off the pond and moonbeams casting long shadows throughout the open forest... was always way too much fun to dispute this tale - the gals eventually always wanted to "hang pretty tight"...

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... anyway, considering his many predictions to date, who's to say HG's vision of the future is not as as far fetched as we think...

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... additionally... who knows where these guys are originally from?...

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