... been a long time coming...
... but with the recent publication of 'Tracks & Sign of Reptiles & Amphibians', publisher 'Stackpole Books' has completed their excellent 'Guide to North American Species - Tracks & Sign' book series...
... got us thinking of a once great local area for observing/catching/trapping several order of turtles, snakes, frogs and lizards...
... the 'Duck Pond'...
... been many years and the old pond has since been dredged and along with the surrounding habitat had been "reclaimed" (although, we understand that the pond was doomed to siltation from soil erosion of the drainage pastureland) and now functions as a drainage pond for the current landowners and their cattle ranching endeavors - is now fenced and inaccessible, so don't know what "critters" may have reestablished residence, if any at all ...
... but the pond and the former riparian woodland adjacent to the small outfall stream (now open field) used to be excellent habitat for snapping turtles, painted turtles, bullfrogs and several species of lizards and skinks...
... a few of the habitant species...
(photo: PA Natural Heritage)
... eastern snapping turtle...
... here's a small baby snapping turtle - for scale, he's in the palm of a gloved hand
(... forgot about this tale - was in town visiting my mom years ago and was down in the basement lookin' for something - there was a large metal garbage can in the middle of the floor - took a look in the can and there's a giant, live snapping turtle in there?? - asked her what is going on with the turtle in the basement, and she said it belonged to a guy that she was currently renting a room to - ? - I got a flashlight and went back down to get a better look at the turtle currently living in the bottom of the trash can in the basement, and it's got about a quarter pound of chipped ham layin' on the back of it's shell - so not only is it being tortured by living in a 2-1/2ft diameter metal can, it's probably starving as well and unable to get to the load of food on it's back - I got pissed and told her I'm gettin' rid of the turtle and if the guy says anything to me I'm gonna' knock 'em out - took the turtle out to the duck pond and let 'em go - never heard another word about it...)

(photo: paherps.com)
... eastern painted turtle...
(photo: paherps.com)
... five lined skink...
... spent quite a bit of "kid time" at "the pond" observing and identifying the various aquatic critters as well as occasionally catching or trapping a few for the home terrarium...
... the old 'Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians' used to be the "bible" back then - still possess
our original 1958 copy...
... now'days, along with the aforementioned works, the brilliant naturalist/biologist 'Bernd Heinrich' is a favorite reference for gaining a better understanding of the natural world which surrounds us - 'Winter World' is a particular favorite...
... direct register walk of a bobcat in snow... came across a set of bobcat tracks in the snow while backwoods skiing a few years back and tracked 'em for nearly three miles before they disappeared at a rocky outcrop along the ridge top - was out the following winter hiking the opposite side of the ridge and came across another set of similar tracks and followed them as well - again nearly three miles (and past an apparent kill site - was some disturbance in the snow cover with blood stains and some fur) - and ending at the exact same rock outcrop as the previous encounter...
... signs of some species of 'subnivean' lurker...
... relic shell of an eastern box turtle...
... a large molehill - photographed this just last night - this small area contained probably fifteen similar mounds with raised ridges running in every direction in between...
... plenty of things to keep ya' busy in the PA hills...